Being Grateful is Good for Your Attitude

In a study of how the most successful people spend the first hour of each day, it was discovered many highly successful people spend some time thinking about the things for which they are most grateful. Doing this puts them in the right frame of mind for the entire day. It is a great attitude booster.
We often take for granted the many great blessings we have. My mother used to tell me the best things in life are those which when given away, multiply. Those would be love, friendship, respect, gratitude, and a smile. I’m thankful to live in the United States – where we have so many amazing resources and opportunities available to us. We have freedom, clean air and water and a country full of tremendous riches. We are much better off than the 2 billion other people in this world who do not have these basic necessities.
As we begin this holiday season by celebrating Thanksgiving, think about the things you are most grateful for. You will find this is a key to enriching your life.